The Dark Knight is a 2008 film directed by Christopher Nolan. Set within a year after the events of Batman Begins, Batman, Lieutenant James Gordon, and new district attorney Harvey Dent successfully begin to round up the criminals that plague Gotham City, until a mysterious criminal mastermind known only as the Joker appears in Gotham, causing trouble. Batman's struggle against the Joker becomes deeply personal, forcing him to confront everything he believes and improve his technology to stop him.
In the movie review I chose, it talks about the different actors in the film. The writer of the review states that the cast was good in The Dark Knight, but "We've still got Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth, the unflappable butler and father figure to Bruce Wayne; we've still got Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox, Wayne Industry's most valued employee; and we've still got Gary Oldman as James Gordon, seemingly the only incorruptible cop on the Gotham police force. But their roles are diminished compared to the first movie. And, yes, Maggie Gyllenhal as attorney Rachel Dawes does seem a bit more mature than her predecessor in the part. Furthermore, we've got a capable Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent, whose personality metamorphosis almost mirrors Bruce Wayne's. Notwithstanding, these people don't sustain the picture any more than Bale does." My opinion on this is that I liked the newer version better, only because it is more up to date and the actors in the Dark Knight are in more films that I watch today.
The review also states that Heath Ledger is so good in the part, he practically owns the picture. Ledger overshadows everyone else in the show. The fact is, Ledger is good. When Ledger in on the screen, he dominates it, and you don't notice anybody else. Ledger's Joker will undoubtedly go down in the annals of film villains as one of the very best. I totally agree with the writer of this review. Even though Ledger plays the villian in this film, everyone loved him. He acted out his character so good, it was almost like that is his personality in real life.
In chapter 10 of our textbook it talks about casting. A term mentioned in this section is ensemble acting. This is a performance by a group of actors whose roles are of equal importance. The Dark Knight kind of has this type of acting in it. Even though the main character is meant to be Batman, the Joker plays a significant role and stands out just as much as Batman. Another type of casting mentioned in chapter 10 is typecasting. This is meant for the actors in a film to have the same type character as a film that they casted in before. In The Dark Knight, Heath Ledger was every ones focus to this film. He hasn't really played the villian in any other film, but he did well as the Joker in The Dark Knight.
Everyone has their own response to actors. Who you chose to like is you own decision, even though your friends and sometimes critics have a part in who you may pick. I liked The Dark Knight because I like Batman and enjoyed Batman Begins, but having Heath Ledger playing an important role in it made me like it a little more. He was a great actor in this film. Not many people can play the Joker any better than him.
Rotten Tomatoes (2008). Dark Knight. Retrieved from
Sunday, July 4, 2010
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